Hey, look what Buck and I just found in our front yard! It's Bullwinkle! More properly, his name is Bullwinkle the First since he is the first of I'm sure many moosey friends that we will be meeting.
He's still out munching on the bush across the street and hopefully he won't go across the other road while someone is coming around the corner. If he does, he's going to be supper for some homeless shelters.
Anywho, just wanted to record our first up close and personal viewing. I tried for a closer viewing after putting Buck back inside (he thankfully was sleepy and didn't notice Bullwinkle I otherwise I'm sure much barking would have commenced), but as the camera flashed, he started coming toward me with intent and I decided the view from my front window was better. Hence the picture not being great, but me being here untrampled to tell you all about it.
Here's hoping he finishes off the bushes before Buck really needs to go out.
That has to be the coolest thing EVER.
Glad you made it back with your life:) Keep up the posting.
Oh, yea! Finally a darn moose appeared. I'm glad Buck didn't see it--otherwise, the moose might have been having humanburger or dogburger!!!
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