I'm guessing it's going to be something like that. LOL! It's 11pm and Buck and I just made our trip out before bed. It's still snowing, though not as hard as it has been. But it's already 18 inches deep in most places, so we'll see how much more we get by tomorrow morning. The snowplows haven't been around that I can tell, so the roads are officially a mess. Hopefully they are just waiting for it to stop and then they will be out. I may walk up to the grocery store near by to get a few things. I have enough food to last the weekend, but I'd like to make some strawberry shortcake and I don't have all the ingredients for the shortcake part.
We're at 18 inches and it's still coming down.

I took this one while level with Buck to try to show how high it was on him. It's nearly to his chin even when he's sitting. LOL! I carved him out a little spot and he helped me dig (he loves digging in the snow).
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