(if you are squeamish about the death of a large water spider, skip this)
First, he tried to escape his 2 ft. x 1.5 ft box:
Luckily, the plastic and cardboard combo was too much for it to get past:
I prepared the death chamber:
Then, after measuring the death chamber and the crab, I realized he wasn't going to be able to take one last swim. Time for Plan B:
I prepared to do battle:
Back-up in place? Check.
Plan B involved a 10 inch chef's knife and a softball bat to drive it home:
But the zombie crab survived!!!! Eeek!!
Attempt 2- the knife was driven all the way through his brain, but still the evil crab lived!!!!
The world must be spared this evil being spread. The zombie was then dissected...
...and eaten so that the world can live another day in safety and free from the fear of zombie crabs.
That's a regular big dinner plate, by the way. It was BIG! Easily two feet from leg to leg. It's body was the size of the 21 quart pot's lid!
I really underestimated how freaking creepy that thing would be. I had to take it outside and let it halfway freeze (which only took an hour in our weather- hee!) so that it would be unconscious when I killed it. Then, it took major psyching myself up to do it- and then it didn't work! That thing wouldn't die! Anyway, that'll be the first and last time I go with the live crab option. eh! Next time, I'll just have the guy at the store kill it and then take it home and cook it up right away. Large aquatic spiders are even more gross to kill than normal ones. *shudders*
I am so very, VERY jealous!!
Holy crap. It looks super yummy after you finally cooked it! Bet you had some great crab for a few days!
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