Saturday, January 24, 2009


I felt my first earthquake this morning! I know there have been others when I've been up here, but never noticed them. Today there was one about 160 miles down the water near Homer that was a 6.1, so we definitely felt that here. My bed was shaking as well as my closet doors (the kind that slide and have mirrors on them). The combination of those two things woke me up. The dogs didn't act weird or doing anything but stare at the closet doors moving (which was all that I did). I'd say I felt it for about 20-25 seconds, but I guess it could have been happening before that and it just took that long for me to wake up. Heh!

Anyway, I'll be interested to see how that effects the snow on the mountains- if it was strong enough to shake loose any avalanches or if it makes the snow less sound or what.

More info from the USGS on the earthquake here:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Still cold

Still rather bitterly cold up here. We've had a long cold snap the last couple of weeks. I just went out for lunch and was greeted with -23 degrees and that was after the sun was up for a couple of hours.

It looks like we'll get our typical cloudy days back this weekend, and with them, will come the warmer temps. The *positive* 20 degree weather is going to feel like a heat wave. Heh!

Our days are also gaining sun pretty fast again. The sun's up until 4pm already and it doesn't get dark until close to 5pm. Sunset will be back at 5pm by the end of the month, so it'll be easier to take the dogs to the park or on walks again by then.

I'll post some pictures of our pretty (but cold) clear day sunset tonight or tomorrow and I'll try to get out and take some other pictures Wednesday before the clouds come back. I'm pretty sure everyone will be happy to have grey days again after this reminder of how much warmer they make it here. I'm happy to have them the majority of the winter- I'd just prefer them to go away for the majority of the Summer. :)