Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Herding moose?

So, I lucked into some info about a lady who raises Cattle Dogs (and breeds them, but not very often) and trains them up for herding competitions. I sent her an e-mail and Buck will be starting classes the second week of April! Yay! Maybe if he gets good, he can herd any moose we run into. I mean, cows kick, too and Cattle Dogs know how to duck under their hooves! Heh!

He'll be starting out in a group class on sheep, the big benefit being that it's super cheap. It's on a farm about an hour outside Anchorage, but Buck and I are used to having to drive that far for our classes. He loves to take a ride, especially when we stop at McDonald's and get him some fries on the way. Heh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura- Hi, its Ro Van Dorpe, Marie's mom....I'm really enjoying your blog, and your prose makes me feel I'm right there with you..I haven't read anything about the aurora borealis...have you seen them yet? Are they as spectacular as I imagine them to be?....have a safe trip home in March and then on to Hawaii...ooolala :^}